Machining the Tas de charge with RhinoCAM


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Jessica Garcia Fritz, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at South Dakota State University (SDSU), uses Rhino and RhinoCAM in her ARCH 332: Building Shop class where students understand the principles, tools, and technologies that contribute to Catalan, Funicular, and Gothic forms of vaulting. The resulting Gothic vault structure created by her students is shown here.
In the Rhino display below we see the Tas de charge 3D model and its position within the Gothic Ribbed Vault structure. In the vaulting architecture, the Tas de charge are the key components that support the full weight of the structure.

(Main Image) The Tas de charge 3D model in Rhino (Right Top) The 3D assembly of the Gothic vault (Right Bottom) The final Gothic vault structure designed and assembled by Jessica’s students!
In the Rhino display below we see how the part is used to model the upper and lower cavity halves of a mold used to cast the part.

Here we see the Tas de charge 3D model in Rhino along with the 3D models of the upper and lower mold cavities used to produce the part.
In the RhinoCAM display shown below, we see a 3 Axis Parallel Finishing toolpath being simulated on the lower cavity of the Tas de charge mold. From left to right we see the RhinoCAM Machining Browser, the RhinoCAM Machining Objects Browser (showing the shop’s library of tools) and then the part model and toolpath display.

The RhinoCAM plugin is loaded showing the Machining Browser, Machining Objects Browser with Tool Library and the 3 Axis Parallel Finishing toolpath simulation for the lower cavity of the Tas de charge mold.
One of the concepts we teach students in the use of digital fabrication is the difference between the 3D model and the resulting part that comes off the CNC machine. During this hands-on process, the students learn both the limitations and the benefits of the technology
– Jessica Garcia Fritz, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture, SDSU
To learn more about Jessica’s work at SDSU we invite you to read the complete case study here.
To learn more about Jessica’s class and the Department of Architecture at SDSU we invite you to visit the following links:

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Don LaCourse

Don LaCourse

Don LaCourse is an Application Engineer with MecSoft Corporation. Don brings over 20 years of experience in CAD/CAM operations in both automotive and mold design applications. Don also has extensive experience in documenting CAD/CAM products and is actively involved with writing the on-line help as well as creating training tutorials for MecSoft's products.

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