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What about mecsoft??

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:19 am
by obwan425
Mecsoft community,

Even though my last post was less than pleasant I would like to say a few words on behalf of the software,as I have always been a strong proponent for Visualmill:

Over The last ten years I have seen a steady decline in the skilled trades. In the amount of work,pay scale,working conditions,hours and benefits..We are seeing a rather large majority of our industrial needs being met oversees!The reason this is happening is largely due to the fact it is cheaper and the quality is getting better!!

The largest "bottlenecks" in manufacturing are design and machining..To be competitive and effective we must have the required software tools to complete such task's in an effective and efficient manner.We have been getting gouged by software companies that realize we are at their mercy.In far too many instances the smaller companies that help to shape and mold our country simply cannot afford the high cost of these software titles and in turn fold and go under.The giants of the manufacturing world can easily afford these titles, monopolize the situation and open their own plants and manufacturing facilities overseas and in essence dictate the flow..Untill now....

A company starts and an idea is born...The idea that, we can be competitive anywhere in the world, if we just take a look at the way we are doing things..Revolutionary is the way I would describe it.If we could apply the theory to our own shops we could "bring it back home." The latest technology available to anyone that is willing to work for it..Not so far out of reach it may never be a reality,right here in front of people like you and me.I personaly would like to say thank you to Mecsoft for ushering in a new era....I firmly believe this is the kind of foreward thinking that our great country was set-up on and needs more of.

Visualmill v5.0 is quite an achievement,Easily the most feature rich software in its class.An outstanding product that is only going to get better as time goes on.I am very pleased to see the service packs,user input and developer output.I know that in time all of my needs will be met.

I just had a bad day,and like any relationship you have to take the good with the bad!!

Visualmill Junkie,