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RhinoCAM 2 + Laser cutting - Aieee... !

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:18 am
by Mitch Heynick
I'm also posting this to the Rhino newsgroup...

If I have RhinoCAM 2 loaded, and I need to run my laser at the same time - when I run the Print command to send a file to the laser (Epilog) all the no-print stuff shows up in the print preview window... and then it gets cut with the laser!

NoPrint attributed curves are not supposed to print/cut, and they don't if RhinoCAM is not loaded.

I have no idea on which end the problem is so I'm informing both sides... I hope this can get fixed soon, though, it's annoying (I have to unload RhinoCAM) and possibly dangerous (if I forget to do so).

Thanks, --Mitch

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:42 pm
by Mitch Heynick
Here are a couple of screenshots to illustrate the problem...