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Rhino snap aaaaaaahhhhh!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:27 am
by whistler
Seem to be having trouble doing the simplest of things. I have a straight line with end coords 10,10,10 to 20,20,10. I now want to draw a line from the centre of that line (15,15,10) 2mm long and straight down the z plane i.e. to 15,15,8.

I'm trying to use mid point snap but Rhino seems to want to snap anywhere but. It says Mid on the curser but the actual start of the line is:
In top view: 15,15,0
In perspective view: 15,15,0
In front view: 15,10,0
In right view 15,10,0

i.e. no way will it snap to 15,15,10 the actual mid point of the line.
What am I doing wrong?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:40 am
by whistler
ok - solved - I had project object snaps on - doh.