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Fryer (Siemens) Drilling Post Processing Code

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:15 am
by 1448083099
I'm having several issues getting code to post to our Fryer (Siemens 840d controller) mill to drill. I've corrected a few issues, but I'm stuck on getting a value for what Siemens calls the RFP or Reference plane (absolute). I see variables in the Post-Processor for CYCL_Z+CLEAR, CYCL_CLEAR, CYCL_Z-DEPTH and so on, but I just need the "CYCL_Z" value. Is there a way to do math in the generator code? The value I need is basically CYCL_Z+CLEAR minus CYCL_CLEAR. I've tried a few other Z related variables like START_Z, but they are not the value I'm looking for.

Re: Fryer (Siemens) Drilling Post Processing Code

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:58 pm
by MecSoft Support
You can use Z[NEXT_NONMDL_Z]. This would output the Z value at the start of the hole being drilled i.e (CYCL_Z+CLEAR minus CYCL_CLEAR)
If you need to output the Z value at clearance height use Z[CURR_Z]
The post processor currently does not support expressions.